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cute baby lying on the grassWe provide every infant in our care with a secure, safe, and warm environment where they can grow and develop—physically, emotionally, socially, and cognitively.

Our infant classrooms are designed to encourage children to:

  • Use their senses to explore their surroundings
  • Develop executive function skills through rolling, crawling, and standing up to explore their environment
  • Develop communication skills by recognizing and responding to verbal language
  • Form and vocalize vowel and consonant combinations
  • Use fine motor skills to hold objects deliberately
  • And more

Our infant rooms are filled with age-appropriate toys, blocks, and books to inspire awareness and discovery. We also integrate a lot of books, movement, songs, and other fun activities on a daily basis. We strive to provide your children with a healthy, stimulating, and clean environment where they can start preparing for school and life in general while also enjoying themselves.

To learn more, we encourage you to contact us at 972-920-5008. If you want to register your child in this program, please proceed to our Enrollment page now.

Kids with eyeglasses